Dec 2020 Collective Agreement Ratification Results

Local 1460 Members


A Message from David Robinson

December 22, 2020

Brothers and Sisters,
On behalf of our executive and the collective bargaining committee, I am pleased to share the results of the Millwrights 1460 Collective Agreement ratification vote.
 YES votes: 114
 NO votes: 69
 Total votes received:183
The returned ballots were all received by the 5 p.m. cutoff time on December 17th, 2020. The results were verified by Al Scherbarth Professional Corporation.
This is an important document and moment for our council and the members we serve. It’s also the product of a lot of hard work. I would like to thank the bargaining committee for their valued input and commitment that went into the drafting and ratification process. Thanks must also go out to our members for their contributions that helped inform this process and for their patience over the course of the last 18 months. Thank you to everyone that voted.
We look forward to sharing information about the implementation process for the new Collective Agreement. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your Business Agent or myself if you have any questions about this process or the agreement.

Thank you.

David Robinson President Millwrights Local 1460