Dear Millwrights Local 1460 Member,

  • Bidding for jobs online and by phone will begin on October 20, 2015 at 5:00 PM.
  • Jobs will be removed from the website and phone system during regular dispatch hours.
  • Jobs will be available for bidding Monday-Thursday between 5:00 pm and 7:00 am each day
  • Fridays and weekends jobs will be posted Friday at 5:00 pm and be removed at 7:00 am Monday morning.
  • During long weekends and holidays, the jobs will be available until 7:00 am the next business day.
  • Ensure your apprentice or journeyman tickets are on file with the training department.  You will not be able to bid if the system cannot find your credentials.
  • If your status is not in Goodstanding (you are four months in arrears), you will not be able to login to Dispatch or be dispatched. Please contact the Millwrights Local 1460 office during regular business hours for more information.
  • The Contact Preferences page is used by both your dispatcher and employer to contact you regarding work. Please update this as needed. You must include a primary phone number and email address. This information can be changed as often as needed. This information goes to your dispatcher immediately after you click the “Save My Preferences” button.
  • In the telephone system, you will be promted to enter a PIN . This can be any number you choose, between 6 and 20 digits long. No spaces. This will be of importance for future use use so create a PIN that you will remember.
  • If you have any questions regarding the new job bidding process, please phone the Dispatcher during regular business hours at (780) 733-2165 or email [email protected].

Step by Step instructions on the use of telephone and online dispatch systems